I have been dating this guy for a little over a month now. Everything started off really great! We would see each other at-least twice a week, he would tell me he was excited to see me, and he did well with communication. About 2 weeks ago we had made plans for that weekend. However, he said he forgot both days that we had made plans and he said he was with his friends. Of course I was mad, and we didn’t talk for about a day. A week later (this weekend that just passed), he was busy moving out (he had told me this prior). He still managed to hangout with his friends in between doing so (spur of the moment plans, not planned in advance). He hasn’t said anything about hanging out again. Today I finally asked him am I going to see him again and he said it was up to me. I then told him it’s up to him because he is more busy than I am and he then reminded me that he will be more free after this weekend (which he did tell me after we had a conversation after not talking for a day). I then told him it’s up to him and that I will be busy this weekend because I have a friend coming in town. He then says “It’ll have to be the next weekend then” and I tell him that means we wouldn’t have seen each other for a whole month! He then says that my friend (the one coming in town) and I should go to this place in midtown Thursday because he might go.

I’m just starting to feel like he’s changed. I’m not sure why but he’s been acting kind of strange and not interested. On top of the situation I explained, he doesn’t text me back for 2-6 hours at a time, but is on social media during that time frame. He doesn’t tell me he likes me anymore or talk about how he’s excited to see me again. It’s just regular conversation now.

I do want to add that we have hung out during the week before (he told me he doesn’t mind it) and while he was busy I just hung out with my friends too so I do have a life outside of him. Not sure if I’m over reacting but let me know!

  1. He “doesn’t mind” hanging out with you?

    You said it yourself, he’s acting NOT INTERESTED. He’s not interested anymore, girl. Sorry. Sounds like him liking you fizzled out & you’re making excuses for his lack of communication in telling you.

  2. change / tapering off is to be expected as people settle down with each other (morphing from chase mode to caught mode, so contact and meetups are less frantic, and lower priority)

    that could be part of it

    but as you say, maybe he’s losing interest, so that might be it

    as to his friends: you’re new, they’re of years’ duration; it’s apt enough they have some priority over his time

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