I was just wondering if men really stare at a girl who has prominent stretch marks on her ass while he’s having sex with her. I have a lot of stretch marks on my butt but I am slim I guess you could say i feel self-conscious sometimes when having sex. Or do some guys not really care?

  1. Couldn’t care less. Most people have stretch marks. I’m slim but have them on my legs from growing fast. If you run into a guy that has an issue with it, consider it a good way to weed out assholes you shouldn’t be dating

  2. It’s not just SOME guys that don’t care, it’s the vast majority. damn near everyone has stretch marks.

  3. Don’t pay attention to the stretch marks at all just the feeling of the ass in general is what feels good. Soft but firm.

  4. Most guys won’t care.. they are happy to see your boots the way it is.. no worries, do it with confidence.

  5. Uh, not really? I don’t focus on stretch marks during sex. Oh, I’ll watch that ass clap… but it’s not about any stretch marks that may be on said ass. I’m fine with stretch marks, tbh.

  6. I’m 41 and just got painted with them on my buns, hips and upper thighs this spring. It was a shock to say the least.

    I mentioned to my fiancé and he admitted he noticed, bit said most people get them and even younger…

    Yes, they notice. I think they just let it go for the most part.

  7. I think stretch marks add character. I love the female body and all it’s beauty. I feel a carnal urge to look at the curves of a female. I am 49YM and have been unsuccessful at suppressing the urge to look at woman as sexual objects wanting to breed. That is my answer to you, good luck😘

  8. I wouldn’t really care. What I like about them is that the sensation on my partners skin varies when your caress her. Nice exploit. It is also a nice hand or finger guide, given she isn’t ashamed about them.

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