The 5th guy in this video does a little hand game thing with the girl, does it have a name? I only recall seeing this in american movies or american vloggers and I kinda wanna learn how to do that lol

  1. I’m pretty sure it’s just something he made up. but it *resembles* the style of a secret handshake. the kind of thing where you develop a handshake of varying length with a friend for fun. this looks how one might start, but they don’t actually have one. he’s just making one up bc of the hand thing she’s doing.

  2. I’d say Secret handshake (unlimited number of variations) even though it’s more of an ad hoc game. There were also high 5 games that would start with up-high (standard high 5) then down low (hand slapping at waist level) then increasingly wacky motions and responses. My favorite game on earth at age 6 or so.

  3. It’s a type of handshake you create that only you and your friends would know how to do which is exactly why no one else on here would know how to do it. It’s done all the time in real life and in tv shows/movies and cartoons. That’s the point. It’s made specifically for your inner circle. You could create your own if you wanted.

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