15f i know she likes girls and she knows i like girls too, but i didnt really care. my other friend thinks she likes me by the way she looks at me? i find her attractive but i dont have a crush on her.

i noticed that shes been acting kind of weird recently towards me, as in she stares at me much more during class over two seats. we recently changed our seating, and she used to be was beside me. i sometimes would feel her staring at me for long periods of time and smiling, but i assumed she was looking at the sky and ignored it or just turned and grinned back.

shes kind of private? im not really close to her i think. she has a friend group but from what i see they leave her out, maybe not intentionally?other than that i dont know if she talks to anyone else. we have similar personalities and weve had great convos before. the only problem is that shes hot and cold, one day shell go up and talk to me and itll be fine but the other shell ignore me and pretty much everyone else for no reason. i dont really text her but when i do, she leaves me on delivered a lot, even though shes always on her phone. most of my other classmates ive talked to see her as bitchy or closed off, but shes really friendly and nice when she wants to. im not sure why she does that but im chill enough to just go eh okay. shes really cute when she goes on tangents and starts gushing about things, also when she glares at random people walking past. maybe because shes 145cm and im 162cm. shes kind of like a moody cat sometimes hehe sorry past the unneeded details

i think she kinda had a good reason to act like this when these happened, but
1. we were sitting with our other friend and i shifted my chair towards her to get closer, but i wasnt looking in her direction and my knee went kinda into her thigh. i quickly said whops sorry lol and moved a bit backwards, but she was blushing kind of hard and we ignored it.

2. we were play fighting violently and snatching a pencil case when our forearms touched and she paused to stare at it, then the eye contact and mood was kinda awkward?? we were normal when we wrestled before, though

3. her hand accidentally pressed into my left boob once while we were holding a paper and she froze during our awkward eye contact. i laughed it off but she was embarrassed and kept glancing at me for the rest of the day

4. i was fixing my hair and wondering why she was staring at me for so long when i realised she was blanking into my shirt sleeve. i just stared back at her and when she realised she quickly just stumbled back to the front.

1 comment
  1. Probably this girl likes you but since she’s still young, and unexperienced, she doesn’t know what to do with it. At your age everyone is still trying to find themselves and their place in the world, and everyone’s pretending to be SO experienced and old, even though you’re just kids (I’m telling this with nothing but love, I’m 33 and would love to be 15 again). She’s hot and cold probably because her hormones make her moody, and because she doesn’t know how to “act cool” (because at 15, you want nothing more than to be “cool”, which will turn into being “smooth” when you reach my age, and one day, you will realize no-one really knows how to be cool or smooth), so she thinks “cool” is someone who is “not often available” or something. It does make her appear bitchy but I guarantee that inside she is not a bitch, she’s just insecure like everyone else.

    Best – and only – sure way to know would be straight up asking her about it. She’s the only one who knows. But because she thinks hot and cold is the way to go, I think you shouldn’t give her any more energy she gives to you – it means she doesn’t respect your effort and time. Always give people back the same amount of energy, affection and attention they give to you, and your social life will be much easier than most have it. You can never go wrong with that tactique; make the hot and cold person work for your attention, not the other way around.

    I hope you find cute girls in the future who give you the amount of attention that you deserve. Good luck in life!

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