What are some of the kindest or best love/friendship messages you’ve ever recieved?

  1. A friend of mine and a former colleague sent me a very kind message telling me how much of a great man she thinks I am after listening to her and supporting her when she opened up to me about her sexual assault.

    The things she said through WhatsApp was very kind.

    Also got a nice hug from her when she saw me and she bought me a £40 PSN gift card with a card which also had a really nice message in it.

    All because I supported her and helped her.

    I recall her telling me that I helped her realise that they are men out there who she can trust.

  2. After not talking to each other for a few years (due to life, nothing aggressive between us), a friend told me “you’re the best kind of friend, because everybody knows that once you have their back then you always will.”

  3. In my early 20’s, when I was filled with self-loathing and an inferiority complex, had a drunk conversation with a friend who basically called me out on my wallowing and pointed out my good features.

    She even got to the point of wanting to smack some sense into me (but didn’t literally hit me). We never talked about it again, and we’ve sort of fallen out of contact, but I’ve never forgotten it.

    Thanks, Lori. Appreciate that you gave a damn!

  4. A friend asked me to babysit for her one night, but her plans fell through at the last minute. Literally, as I was knocking on her front door. I stayed for a while anyway, played with her kids for a while, chatted and left. I woke the next morning to a lengthy text message telling me how much she appreciated me and our friendship. It was really touching. It wasn’t out of character either… she’s been one of the warmest, most empathic people I’ve ever met.

  5. A friend who I no longer talk to said I made her life more bearable and that I’m a good friend. We don’t talk anymore because the communication fizzled out. It was always me who texted first and I stopped doing that and she hasn’t reached out since. It’s been over a year since we talked.

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