There is a guy on a dating app who I have been speaking with the past three weeks. The first week we was super nice and kept saying he wants to meet me while texting everyday. He cancelled our date b/c he has to “pick up a shift” so we rescheduled for three days later for over the weekend. Well I had to cancel b/c I got an ear infection.

So the following week I am the only one making the effort to plan our date (didn’t realize this at the time b/c I have a lot of other things on my mind and didn’t take this date seriously). The day before the date I ask him where and what time? I noticed he didn’t reply so I texted again the day of the date and said “???” then never heard from him the rest of the day, so I was kinda annoyed b/c I planned this for my weekend and was kinda looking forward to it but whatever I went on about my day. He texts me the next day saying “Hi, sorry I bailed, I had reasons but I don’t wanna get into it. I hope I didn’t ruin my chance with you.” All my friends said give him once more chance and he’s really cute so I said “Hi, sorry to hear that, hope everything is ok! We can reschedule :)” Then he never replied. I started looking back at our texts the past week irrationally wondering if I did something wrong…and this is when I noticed that the past week I was the one making all the effort/initiative texting.

So five days later (yesterday) and I am an idiot and ask him “so are we going to eventually meet up? lol” but this was my LAST chance for him. He replies but half asses trying to plan the date saying maybe Tuesday (in two days) will work then eventually just stops replying. My friend said “yolo” and I don’t regret it because I got some closure out of it so I give up. THEN the same night I post on my snapchat of myself with my friends going out and one including of me and a guy. He sees my story and immediately snaps me as I am out partying “on another date? :(” but I didn’t open the message at first and then didn’t reply immediately to make myself appear busy b/c I was! I was out with my friends having a good time! I was flattered though lol but what girl doesn’t like attention. I finally say “Well you never replied” and he replies immediately saying “oooff.. well I am way better looking than that guy on your snap that’s for sure lol…hope you had a good time tho” and then I left him on read. I am SHOCKED at the fact that we’ve never even met, he automatically assumes the guy in my story is a date and how paranoid, sensitive, insecure, and jealous he is. IDK I like the attention but this guy is like crazy for playing games with me and acting jelly. I know its an ego thing! RED FLAG! anyways, haven’t heard from him since last night with this snapchat convo.

WHY is he jealous??? Ego? OR is he just pretending he’s jealous to get inside my head?

  1. It’s fine if you want to vent and let off some steam. But don’t mistake one bad apple for all men.

  2. >He sees my story and immediately snaps me as I am out partying “on another date? :(”

    Your response should have been “yeah, the guy I WAS trying to meet ghosted me and didn’t even have the courtesy to explain why, then acted like an asshole when I still gave him a chance. Tough shit for him lol”

    Then block

  3. He’s not jealous. He’s an uninterested, validation-seeking douche who’s showed you his intentions (or lack thereof) numerous times. Why entertain someone who gives you *absolutely nothing* just because he’s physically attractive?

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