I am a male for the record. This is something i’ve…not necessarily struggled with but been wondering ever since my teenage years. Let me make this clear, and this is particularly where my confusion comes from: I am not attracted to “men” men, you know what i’m saying? Like people like, for example, Henry Cavil or Chris Evans or Chris Hemsworth or Michael B Jordan, they do nothing for me, in the slightest. However, when i look at more feminine/femboyish looking men, i feel that all too familiar tingle i get when i see my wife put on a set of particularly body hugging shorts. Like for example, this picture of [Harry Styles](https://i.pinimg.com/736x/8e/ee/b9/8eeeb9aa8c9746cf1766b9aadeac3fb0.jpg) definitely does it for me. So my question is? Am i Bi or just attracted to femininity?

  1. “Am I Bi or just attracted to femininity?” There’s no reason to separate these. Feminine men, or men who aren’t “manly men” are still men! You might be bi, you might realize that that term doesn’t really fit for you, but there’s absolutely nothing wrong with noticing that there are some men that “do it for you.” Just keep enjoying that and paying attention to it and if that little voice in your head pops up that tries to make you feel bad about it, you just tell it to shut up and piss off…..

  2. You might have feelings towards bisexuality. You said it yourself. You’re attracted to femininity whether it be on women or men. Feminine covering, lingerie, on the human body turns you on. It doesn’t have to be a woman. Men who aren’t that macho strong looking types intrigue you. But now do you want to act on those feelings? Have you acted on them? Or is it that you just like seeing feminine men and appreciate their bodies. Everybody has sights of other people they see which attracts them sexually. That really doesn’t label one as a part of the LBGTQ type people.

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