What time are you showing up when someone tells you to come “anytime after 2”

  1. Depends on the relationship you have with the host. If close, you can get there early to help out. If not close, I would agree with the 2:30 crowd.

  2. If a party or event starts at 2, you don’t want to be the very first one there so usually 2:30 or even 3 is good.

  3. I will be there at 1:30 and sit in my car for an hour before I get the courage to go in.

  4. Where I live, technically people could understand the meaning of “half past” or “quarter till” if they heard it, but nobody ever says stuff like that, so 2:30 is the ideal. If they meant after 3, they’d have said “after 3”, so they mean between 2 and 3.

  5. 2 PM. I appreciate their accommodation for the fact that I might be late, but will try to be there at 2 PM exactly.

  6. Depends on the event, how many other people will be there, and if I have stuff to do beforehand. If it’s something which will go late into the evening, with lots of people, and I’m busy, I might show up later, once my stuff is done. I give notice and say something like “I’ve got shit to do but I’ll be there at about 4pm”. If it’s a small thing where it’s important that I’m there early as possible, I try to get there for 2pm. If I’m much later, I let them know, but aim to be there within 15 minutes of the time they say.

  7. My family and friends know that I’ll arrive early no matter what time they tell me, but I’ll probably arrive at 2 for people who I’m not as familiar with.

  8. Fashionably late is so fucking lame. If it’s at 2 then I’m there at 2. If I like the person and they’re chill I’m there early to help setup and prep and stay to help clean up. Being on time or early allows best choice of seating or snacks as well lol.

  9. Not enough information. Why am i going there? Are we going out to do something? Is there some type of gathering with a meal? Am i just going over to hang out? What else do i have going on.

    The answer could be anywhere from between 2 and 2:30 to 6 or later.

  10. Max +10% of the duration of the event.
    If the event takes 4 hours, I’ll be there before 02:20
    If it takes 10 hours, then before 03:00
    If +24 hours then before 04:30
    and so on.

  11. 2:30 – 3:00 depending on a few factors. If it’s food or alcohol based you don’t want to show up too late after the start and be left with the bread heels and ice beers.

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