My wife and I are best friends, have great sex, and are very happy! My (26M) only problem is I am CONSTANTLY horny and could fuck 20 times a week, my beautiful wife (26F) is happy with 2 times a week and I respect that and would never want her to fuck me if she wasn’t horny.
What do I do!!!

  1. Do things to lower your wife’s stress levels so she has more energy for sex. Contribute to the household more. Ask your wife what she needs and follow through.

  2. It will settle as you get older. Have you considered adding sex toys and using them on the nights when she isn’t available? This can either be entirely solo play or who can stay on the sidelines and offer visual/audio stimulation if she wants (a discussion to have).

  3. >How can I lower my sex drive?

    Stress, anxiety, depression, lower your self-esteem, become the victim of sexual abuse, develop a negative body image, etc. Basically the stuff that nobody wants.

    >What do I do!!!

    Masturbate? Explore and express your sexuality by yourself. Sexual expression does not require a partner.

  4. Get on reddit /sex and give advice to questions that aren’t too weird/young, that’s what I do.

  5. I use to be the same had sex at least 20 times a week now I’m 40 down to three time and wish I was as horny as I was in my mid twenties again. So don’t wish that it would go away just enjoy it because in ten years it will drop and you’ll want it back because women like to have more at that age.

  6. Man, I hate seeing posts like this. It’s just so unfair that women tend to have lower sex drives then men, but testosterone has consequences. (T is the sole physiological driver of libido in men and women, but obviously men produce a lot more.) So many guys end up feeling burdened or even ashamed for being horny bastards, but that’s just who we are. I don’t think there’s a whole lot you can do to reduce it other than having kids, working 60 hours a week, and constantly worrying about bills. That will kill it dead. Short of that, you can lower your T by becoming a couch potato and not jerking off because T levels are increased with exercise and sexual activity. It’s kind of a use it or lose it thing.

    Here’s where things might get weird for you. I’m an orally bi guy who’s never been short of straight buddies who take me up on my little hobby and let me take the edge off for them, pretty damn regularly. It happens a hell of a lot more than you’d think and always has. Guys are just horny creatures who need an outlet. I say this because I always find it so sad to see guys denying that they are horny bastards and end up being miserable sons of bitches to themselves and everyone around them as they try to repress the results of eons of evolution. Their relationships suffer too and they often end up resentful of their partner. I hope that doesn’t happen to you, so I suggest that you find an acceptable way to deal. Perhaps you could get your wife to be hornier more often through a variety of techniques which, oddly to men, are often kind of non-sexual, more just being attentive and romantic. Or you might find out that beating off is enough for you. Or maybe you find a buddy who likes to blow you and treat it like a handshake. (I’ve actually had two wives given their guys a hall pass with me because it took something off their plate, wouldn’t lead to “cheating”, and was more like a round of golf with a buddy than anything sexual.) I just hope that you can find something that works for you, but I doubt that you’ll find a magic pill to kill your libido that doesn’t have terrible consequences.

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