How do you deal with guys who are mostly nice with girls only but often a douchebag with guys?

  1. Why would I “deal” with them? If they’re a douche with me Ill act accordingly but thats got nothing to do with how they are toward women

  2. Not sure. I don’t have any douchebag friends or associate with them and I tend to keep it that way.

  3. You don’t. Stop hanging around people that suck. It’s one thing to be casual and friendly in social/party settings but that’s all the energy I give to types of people i wouldn’t want to associate with

  4. I just take peace in the fact that no man will ever respect him & every woman will walk all over him

  5. I don’t. The best thing about being a free individual is getting to choose who you want to interact with. Folks that can’t show basic respect for other humans, especially those that create a facade to manipulate others, have no place in my life.

  6. If it’s not a work situation, make it clear to people you have in common with the douchebag in question that you don’t want him in your life. If that’s a problem with them, cut them off too and be well shot of them.

  7. By not being near them? No point in hanging out with someone who’s chasing poon so hard he’s become cold to his mates.

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