Pretty much what the title says. It would make more sense to party (to go out, go to nightclubs…) on Friday nights (because it’s the start of the weekend, but I’ve heard that, in some places, university students party on Thursday nights.

  1. I studied in Spain 12 years ago. No one ever missed a Juernes (blend of Jueves, Thursday in Spanish, and Viernes, Friday) and it was basically all about drinking on Thursday as if it was the end of the week. So answering your question, yes, I guess so.

  2. No, usually it’s Saturdays here. There’s a bit of a social segregation when it comes to partying; at least in cities like Zurich and Basel. On Fridays, a lot of the “lower class” people go partying; apprentices and working class immigrants and those sort of groups. On Saturdays, a lot of uni students go out.

    The two groups also tend to frequent different venues. The former mostly go to loud, wild nightclubs where you dance and get wasted whereas the latter tend to hang out in hipsterish pubs and cafés that serve both alcoholic beverages as well as food.

  3. Yes, thursday is party night in Belgium.

    Belgium is so small that almost every student returns home for the weekend on friday.

  4. In Flemish university cities thursday is the traditional party evening as most students go home for the weekend after their last lessons on friday. They return to university sunday evening/monday morning depending on class schedules and personal preference. Friday evening-partying is done mostly by people with jobs.

  5. Yes, our parties at my university were on a Thursday. Usually some professors would attend them, too and we would all be tired together the next morning 😀

  6. Portugal is on Thursdays. Fridays and weekends are are bad days to party because many people go back to their hometowns.

  7. Wednesdays were the big student night when I was at uni. Largely because the sports teams played their fixtures on Wednesday afternoons and wanted to go out after.

  8. I studied in Berlin and you could go partying every night and day of the week if you wanted. Students only parties were a thing but I rarely visited them as they always seemed a bit boring.

  9. Yes, very common.

    It’s because a lot of students will regularly go back to their parents on weekends, so they travel on Friday evening.

  10. Wednesday night was the big one for me. All the sports teams played on Wednesday afternoons so most people would never have any lectures scheduled and it would be way cheaper than going out on the weekend – UK

  11. Yes, Thursday is the biggest partying night in many university towns in Spain.

    The reason is that Spanish students tend to go back home over the weekend, so uni towns are pretty empty between Friday afternoon and Sunday night.

  12. In Hungary, the general party days are also Friday and Saturday, but in university towns the pubs and clubs operate and are full basically on all weekdays. Most parties organized specifically for uni students are on Thursdays, as they go home to their families on Fridays.

  13. My university had Wednesday party nights, it was (and still is) such tradition in that city (Pilsen) that teachers counted on people not comming Thursday morning. But it’s not the rule in every city with uni or college.

  14. In Sweden it’s common for students to party on Wednesday, it is actually called mini-Saturday (lill-lördag). We also party on Friday and Saturday that is the days most people go out and enjoy themselves

  15. I used to party a lot Thursday when I was in gymnasium (16-19y/o kinda like high school). We had bar quiz that night every Thursday, and generally a manageable amount of people in town. Loved it even though Friday mornings could be rough

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