I grew up in a country heavily influenced by American culture and we absolutely loved it. We didn’t give it much thought. I still love it, but what do Americans think? Why is America so great?

  1. I don’t think America is the greatest nation in the world (I personally think that should go to whoever is happiest), but here’s a very good video that explains why America’s geography is so favorable in making the US such a powerful country: https://youtu.be/BubAF7KSs64

  2. This feels like bait.

    What I will say is that while the country is certainly flawed, its still among the best places in the world to find and live the life you want. It isn’t always easy, but done correctly it is worth it.

  3. We have our own problems just like any other country but I still think America is great. Democracy, freedom of speech, freedom of religion, and overall individual rights makes this country great. I am forever grateful for being an American.

  4. greatest is pretty subjective but I’m a fan of having a country full of my family members, and I think the whole concept of the Constitution is pretty neat, especially because it was written in an age where there were still a ton of absolute monarchies, and monarchies in general. It hasn’t always been executed well but I appreciate the thought that everyone has these rights that the government can’t infringe on because they’re not rights granted by the government. I am also a huge fan of the 3rd amendment, James Madison has been keeping sweaty soldiers out of our houses since day one

  5. America is pretty great, but in no way are we the greatest. We do have a lot of creative people backed by the influence machine that is our national marketing approach. We sell ourselves, and we’re very good at it.

  6. I would not necessarily say “greatest” country in the world there is no one “greatest“ country in the world and if it was it’s just opinion based and not factually based. Every body has their own tastes on what makes a country great in their eyes, but the U.S. is definitely one of the most unique and beautiful countries in the world that’s for sure. It is truly one of a kind.

  7. Our Enlightenment ideals, our work ethic, and all our public land, especially the National Parks.

  8. I need foreigners to understand what rhetoric is. When I say my wife is the most beautiful woman in the world that isn’t an invitation to genetically deconstruct and compare all 4 billion women to determine an official ranking. And anyone who interpreted those words as such would rightly be called an idiot.

  9. Free speech is pretty cool, honestly. I know a lot of other nations have it too but I’m really glad the U.S. does.

  10. Whether someone considers a country the greatest country in the world depends on their own values and priorities. To me, the US is the greatest but it’s a subjective not objective opinion.

  11. Surprisingly when Americans want something done they will work extremely hard to get it. When we work together as a country (lol) it’s pretty wild the things we’ve been able to do. Also the diversity of the landscape is virtually unmatched by any other single country in the world.

    Also despite the many social issues still prevalent, I’d argue we’re still one of the most open minded countries in terms of being exposed to many cultures and ideas.

  12. Albeit everyone country can do things better and all of them have issues. I would say the Americans celebrate individuality and personal freedoms more than any other country. In the states you can say and do and be pretty much be whatever you.

  13. its not. There wont ever be a “greatest country”, people think its great because of nationalism/patriotism. And to be fair, if I was living in Beverly Hills with enough money to supply your family for the next 4 generations, I would think the USA is pretty great too.

  14. I guess it depends on what is meant by greatness. If you’re asking why America is so dominant on the world stage, we have a geography that makes us really secure militarily with a lot of economic benefits (navigable waterways and natural resources being top of the list). We rapidly industrialized thanks in large part to our unregulated markets (for better or for worse), and then we took far fewer casualties in WW1 and WW2 than our allies (as a percentage of population), which helped us carry that economic momentum forward and maintain a massive presence in global trade.

    If you couple the above with the truly insane level of military spending we have engaged in since the 40s, it essentially guarantees that America will remain one of the most important global players for some time.

    If you define “greatness” as some more nebulous thing, then it’s naturally going to be harder to pin that down. I personally think America is one of the better places in the world to live, because compared to much of the world, despite many obvious shortcomings, America is pretty socially progressive on average, and it has a pretty good standard of living. Now, these things are currently under threat and assault, but is the nature of the progressive cause in every decade. There’s always a fight.

  15. For the simple fact we actually respect free speech and don’t arrest people for mean jokes unlike the rest of the world.

    That alone puts us above the other nations.

  16. I think that’s highly subjective and a lot of people would strongly disagree with the statement.

  17. Using the strictest definition of “great”, the U.S. accounts for 40-50% of global military spending. We’re the most powerful nation in the world. We also have (depending on how you measure) the strongest economy in the world, with our goods, capital, and culture being exported globally.

  18. We are by FAR the most powerful nation state that has ever existed, even relative to the power that other nations empires and kingdoms had in the past.

    Economically, militarally, we are unmatched.

    Culture is completely subjective, but after living abroad, I still think American culture is the tits.

  19. That’s on opinion on ‘the greatest’, but imo, The decentralization of power. Hard to believe noone has mentioned that.

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