
It’s been over 3 years since my last relationship ended and honestly I haven’t met anyone special since then . Over the past year I met a girl and we hit it off doing a shared passion/hobby (climbing mountains). She moved here from another country recently and has a “BF back home” so I never thought anything more would come of our friendship. However last month, we spent a week together climbing mountains and it became much more than just a friendship. I honestly have fallen for her, we share such a deep connection and since this trip we’ve been together non-stop. I can fully be myself around her, we laugh together so much, and we share a very deep passion of climbing mountains where we quite literally are trusting each other with our lives.

The problem is of course that she has a BF back home which I feel really guilty/shitty about. She’s expressed to me how they’ve grown apart and hinted a break up is inevitable but she’s also told me how she doesn’t want to be in a serious relationship anymore and just wants to “be free” right now. Basically I think she probably wants some type of open relationship life right now. I know its a horrible way to start a relationship in regards to trust and i’m also definitely not the type of person who would want an open relationship. Am I stupid for even going along with this, should I just stop seeing her? The problem is I haven’t shared a connection with someone like this in a really long time (maybe even ever), and it just feels so good to have this right now. We literally sometimes just stare deeply into each others eyes smiling and kissing for extended periods of time. The issue is she actually reminds me so much of one of my previous GF’s, and I am already having flashbacks of getting heartbroken. I’m trying to just keep the mindset that this 100% isn’t going to work out and I should be exploring other options, but I mine as well enjoy it while it lasts because I only live once and why the hell would I not experience this. However I already can feel that i’m getting very attached to her. Am I setting myself up for heartbreak? What would you do if you were me? I keep thinking maybe theres a chance that things will work out eventually but I think i’m probably fooling myself. I’m really torn as to what to do. Sorry for the horribly written, rambly post. Any insight is hugely appreciated!

TLDR: Met a really special girl and we have a very deep connection/bond. However she has a “BF back home” and doesn’t want to be in a serious relationship. Should I stop seeing her, or enjoy it while it lasts?

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