The answer to this just based on the title will probably be the same, but let me do some explaining. We are still in highschool, so it wasn’t serious. They lasted a little less than a month. They never progressed past a hug here and there. My best friend expressed that she would never throw away our friendship and it was my choice in the end to date her ex, but she was really hurt and mad in the beginning, I could tell. My circumstance is really weird, because her ex is my exs best friend, so me and her ex are in the exact same position. Her ex told my ex, his best friend, and he went bat shit and cut him and me off, but the friend group has cut him off because after 3 months he was still being a crybaby over it. My best friend says she doesn’t have the energy to care about the situation anymore but everyone says you shouldn’t do it and you’re an asshole if you date your friends exs. It’s just that me and my friend have been best friends for 10 years and I don’t want to make it seem like i’d rather date the dude than be friends with her, it’s just that i’m hoping that she wouldn’t leave me over it, because I was planning to spend just as much time with her, and not put her in situations where me and him are together (other than school, which i’ll act like we’re just friends). I just need advice on what to do.

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