Okay so I went out with some friends this weekend and one of my female friends who I have known for many years tells me multiple times that i look nice, I just thinks she is being friendly.

Then a bit later in the night she asks me if want to be the dad to her future kids to which I say yes, however I’m not sure how serious the question was, it was other friends among us when she said it.

Then out on a club she kind of grabs my face with her hand and kisses me on the cheek. I’m not sure how to interpret all this, what does it sound like to you?

  1. Sounds like she was possibly a little drunk but certainly interested. You say you’ve been friends for many years. What is the nature of your friendship? From school? Work?

  2. Don’t you know her baseline if you known for her that long? If that normal for her personality?

  3. Here is what you do.

    Find a website that does custom t-shirts. Have one made up to say;

    “Hey ladies. I don’t understand signals. Tell me if you are interested or not. Maybe use a megaphone” with a picture or a traffic signal on top and megaphone on bottom.

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