There are some around here, making rackets. I don’t get the attraction in them since they are legally a car (can’t use bus lanes like two wheelers or bike bays) and have a fixed diff so can’t go around corners properly

They just seem pointless to me

  1. Pointless unless you’re one of those people who just love making noise for no reason. They probably also own a 1000cc bike just to rev in their garden

  2. I’d much rather have a 1000cc quad bike than go through the process to ride a 1000cc motorcycle

  3. Its thrill-seeking, and for most of the people who ride those type of quad bikes, the ‘ASBO’ nature of them is also all part of the thrill, like some Dennis The Menace type thing.

    I used to be a bit like that in my early teens but with those mini-motos, hairdrying around the streets while people look at you in disgust was all part of the laugh and jokes between you and your friends.

  4. I LOVE quad bikes. Doing it in residential areas seems pointless though, surely the point is that you get to go fast?

    Seen people do it on the beach which looks fun

  5. People like to accept the risk of driving something with four wheels that is more unstable than a motorcycle with only two wheels. But they think they look cool and make noise before they die.

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