My partner and I have been dating for almost three years. When we are hanging around at home we’re pretty affectionate with one another, and typically kiss each other as a form of affirmation. So, it’s become commonplace to wake up in the middle of the night and give a quick kiss, as we typically awake at the same time.

Every so often (maybe once every two months), we’ll wake up in the middle of the night and start hooking up with extreme passion. I have never felt such a yearning for someone like I do for him in these moments. Its like an innate carnal desire that can only be satiated by kissing him. It’s only after a couple minutes where either of us will “gain consciousness” and realize what’s happening. From here we’ll decide whether we want to keep going, or set a boundary.

It’s happened so often now, like clockwork, that I can sense when an episode is coming. We got back from a trip last week and I knew it was going to occur soon. 4 days later, here we were, having full on sex at 3 in the morning.

Outside of this, we’ve gotten to a point in our relationship where we aren’t having sex quite as often. I would attribute these episodes like a reaction to the lack of sex, but they have been occurring ever since the second month of our relationship, over 2 and half years ago. Has this happened to anyone else before? Can anyone tell me what is going on?

[**TW**] When these first began occurring we had a serious conversation about whether either of us were doing things non-consensually. We both came to the conclusion that, while really odd and startling, we kind of like the thrill of waking up practically mid-sex. Of course if the other partner sets a boundary we stop but neither of us are worried about a lack of consent— we really are just wondering what’s going on here…

TLDR: My partner [M, 24] and I [M, 26], frequently awake in the middle of the night to us having sex.

  1. Yeah thats been a regular occurance in a few of my relationships. Middle of the nightnwake up sex is some of the best in my experience, but obviously my partners and i have blanket consent. Anything goes unless consent is specifically withdrawn.

  2. Used to happen to me during times of high workload and stress.

    I guess my libido was down during the day and would kick in when I wasn’t thinking about things

  3. Yes, I’ve had similar experiences and known others to as well. I expressly give constent to a partner who I am comfortable with doing this with. And consent can be taken away any time. If I have an early morning and need sleep I will make sure to let them know that it’s not a good night for “sleepy sex” lol but other than that consent is the key. It’s exciting to have that level of chemistry with someone!

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