When and how was your most intense romantic relationship?

  1. Tempestuous.
    I was early 20s. She was an unhappy mid 40s mother of two with a distant husband.

    She was a physical hurricane. Always ready to unleash in a powerful spiral.
    I was young and matched her energy. I was also eager to learn.

    We connected on a near spiritual level. The intimacy was something I’d never experienced.

    It ended in flames. Such is life.

  2. Less than a year ago. I do not recommend dating a woman with borderline personality disorder. Shits nuts

  3. I had an intense one with my now ex wife, but only in the first few years before marriage, then it sizzled out. Then I met a total firecracker after her and spent a good 4 months just having the most insanely intense purely sexual relationship with a woman, and have been chasing that ever since lol.

  4. 19-20, the most grown up sweet and carrying partner ive ever had. I wasnt ready and fucked it up

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