What is one profession you wanted to do, but felt that it was not an option for women?

  1. A pilot, i feel like men have better coordination and critical thinking skills and can handle difficult situations way better, and i developed a height fear so yeah

  2. I always was interested in industrial design but was afraid it would be male dominated so did graphics/media instead

  3. I considered a few skilled trades when I was planning my post-secondary ed (plumbing, electrician work, etc.) but quickly dropped the idea. I figured being a young woman alone working in certain households just wouldn’t be safe.

  4. I really fell in love with welding in my foundation year at art school but I was kind of deterred by how notoriously misogynistic the field is in my city. Dumb reason to stray away from a potentially rewarding career but I’m glad I did in the long run. Makes for a fun hobby instead.

  5. Firefighter. Obviously there are many great women firefighters and my next comment is my own personal belief, and not a knock against any stellar women firefighters. I believe the best person should be hired for the job, that there is standardized tests for all, not separate genders and this often comes down to physical strength.

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