29 male and yes I made friends with 2 girls yesterday no I’m not dating any of them just made platonic friends, what does this have to do with dating?

For a long time I’ve been an introvert and had zero confidence in myself, but I feel like this is a step in the right direction for me a new era has begun of just introducing myself to people and having fun without having an agenda in the long run my new friends will help me get into a relationship because they’ll bring the happy and confident man that I am out!

I feel so much hope right now! I feel so much hope because I’m no longer afraid of socializing now I have an interesting story about me partying with one of them last night and I can tell girls that I meet that my plans for the weekend is to chill with my friends and they come first!


  1. Something to think about is that its good to have a hobby you share to start talking. Then eventually it will just grow into more than just the hobby if you let it. You can def work on this and get better at it but like you’ve noticed, you gotta take a chance and put yourself out there. Good job 🙂

  2. I am so happy for you. I had this feeling recently. I changed schools and decided to put my personality on full blast and just be myself and I’ve been on such a high since then. It truly is awesome when you can be yourself and meet people. There’s nothing better, it completely changes your outlook on day to day life. Very happy for you!

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