I am 24 guy and I do fap daily 2-3 times a day. I don’t look at porn just mainly drawn images or attractive models on insta/tiktok. Lately, I worry this may be a sign of immaturity as I do this in private and its not public and not on my feed or social media pages and all so people do not know but I wonder if this could influence how I see women. I do have male and female friends but never had a gf or tried to get with someone or maybe cuz I have nothing going on. Anyway thoughts on this?

  1. There’s nothing inherently wrong with masturbation. However, if you are concerned about not having had a girlfriend, excessive masturbation is probably contributing to that. The desire to have sex is one of the things that drives us biologically to look for someone. It’s not the only thing, but it is a factor. Obviously you don’t really have that drive if you are already masturbating 2 or 3 times a day.

  2. It absolutely does influence how you see women. It also numbs you to being touched by someone other than your own hand. Nothing good will develop from frequent masturbation. Trust me.

    The release you get from orgasm is just as addictive as any other drug. People with tons of stress and anxiety will often become addicted because it allows them to calm down for a few. Find a distraction. Do something else when the thoughts creep in. Once you’re so far in it’s no different than drug addiction. It’s something you’ll fight your entire life.

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