So as title says she’s grieving at the moment and needs some time for herself, probably a few days so i thought i could draw something for when she’s ready to open up again.

Would drawing her cat in a stylized way to make homage to him a good idea ? If not, what would you consider an appropriate drawing for this occasion ?

I cannot offer more support with words as she needs time for herself and i really want to at least make it a bit better for her, would such a gift make it better or worse ?

  1. I think this is a wonderful and caring idea. It’s a nice way she can remember the loss of her beloved pet.

    I recently lost my Netherland Dwarf bunny a month ago, I’m still devastated by it. I’d have been absolutely elated if someone did this for me.

    If she has just recently lost her cat, maybe give it a little while first, but I’m sure when it comes to her accepting it, she’ll really appreciate the sentiment.

  2. I think drawing your girlfriend’s cat for her sounds wonderful. Only you will be able to guess whether stylized or realistic is more to your girlfriend’s taste, or more in line with your abilities. Either way, you knew this cat pretty well, right? If you can make it show some of her cat’s personality, that will be good. Did your GF’s kitty lurk in boxes, love shoes, or prefer to nap on top of the clean laundry ? Did your girlfriend love the cat’s adorable toe-beans, or scold it for jumping on the counters to try to lick the butter, or was the cat a mighty hunter who proudly brought her “freshly killed” stuffed mouse toys?

    I would have loved this for any of my cats who have died, and I think you are a great partner for having thought of it. (Don’t interrupt the time alone that she needs to give her the art, though– let her see you were thinking of her _afterward_, when she is ready to talk again. )

    Good luck, and well done!

  3. Yes that is very thoughtful! My sister in law did this for me after my cat of 15 years passed.

    To this day it still is one of my favourite things I’ve ever received.

  4. Yeah a nice keepsake is a great thing to have.

    I got a friend a hairbrush with pictures of her dog as a pup on the handle and as an adult on the body as a reminder of hers. Theres so many companies that let you upload your images for printing onto items now.

    I have a fair few dogs and I always get a nice canvas made of my favourite photograph for my office wall 👍

  5. I think it would be a kind and thoughtful gesture.

    I was devastated when I lost my soul-dog. My aunt painted and framed a portrait of him and gave it to me the Christmas after I lost him. It made me cry, in a good way, and now has a permanent place on my wall.

    It means a lot to me, not only because it’s of my much-loved dog, but also because she took the time and effort to paint it herself. She’s passed now, so it also reminds me of her. It was one of the best gifts I’ve ever received.

  6. Yes. But talk to her before you give it to her. Ask her about her cat and what was special about him.

    If she is still in one of the angry /denial stages of grief, her reaction to that question will tell you if she’s not ready for this thoughtful gift. If you think she’s ready, ask her if she is. Respect her if she says no or seems unenthusiastic and just say “I made this drawing for you, when you’re ready.”

    I had 3 major losses in a year and a half, the last being my cat of 17 years. When I got his ashes a month later, they had included a paw print impression in plaster and I absolutely broke. I wasn’t ready for that. I wasn’t ready for surprises in the middle of my grief.

    Your gift itself is very sweet and thoughtful. Now it’s time to put a lot of thought into how it is given, to do the gift justice and have the greatest chance for a positive emotional outcome for your girlfriend.

  7. My friends commissioned a drawing of my cat after I put her down and it was the sweetest thing and made me feel so much better. I’m really grateful they did that for me to honor her.

  8. This is a beautiful gesture. When our cat passed my boyfriends boss’ wife (convoluted, I know) painted this stylized piece of my little surrey puma. It hangs in my kitchen and I love seeing it daily. You’re a very kind friend.

  9. She would probably treasure a drawing of him. A sweet friend of mine painted a beautiful picture of my beloved chihuahua when she passed unexpectedly and I treasure it and look at it daily.

  10. That’s a great idea and as an added touch, get it framed for her. That way there’s less of a chance it gets damaged in the future. Personal gifts from loved ones tend to make grieving a little easier.

  11. I think this is too delicate a situation for you to get involved with. What if she doesn’t like it but feels compelled to display it?

  12. This would be lovely, OP. Many people will question grieving a lost pet because it is “just” an animal. Such a personal gift that involves true effort on your part is a perfect way to show your GF that you acknowledge her grief and support her through it.

    You’re a good egg.

  13. I, personally would love that deep in my heart and soul. But our animals are our family and each deeply missed. I say a big YES!

  14. As a recipient of something similar, I think that this is a wonderful idea. Last year, I lost my dog of 13 years. He was my best buddy, and his loss was very difficult for me. Over the next several months, I’d gone on some dates with a girl who is a very talented artist and by this past valentines we had begun seeing each other regularly. For v day we took a weekend trip out of town and on arrival at our destination, she gave me a cut section of wood that she had painted my beloved pup on. It was an incredibly thoughtful give and immediately set the waterworks in motion.

    She was living in another state at the time and had only met my pup once, but knew how important he was to me, so this gesture was not only an incredibly thoughtful display but also helped me recognize how important I was to her. I say go for it!

  15. There’s a poem call The Rainbow Bridge. Talks about pets who die go to a place where they play and run around with other animals who have passed on. Maybe you can print that out for her, maybe give it to her with a necklace with a cat pendant.

    I also think you should definitely give her a drawing of her cat, that is very sweet.

    Here’s the poem. (I like your idea of a drawing, I’m just suggesting this idea because I like the poem)

  16. I think a drawing would be so sweet! When my dog died my fiancé gifted me a framed photo of me and my dog together and it was so sweet, it’s how I knew he was the one!

  17. We lost one our cats recently, and my wife was inconsolable. The vet called me a week later and told me her ashes had arrived back. Just prior to the cat going to the crematorium, the people at the vet clinic had taken some ink paw prints and put them into the box with the cat’s ashes. When I got home , I opened the bag with the cat’s little box and the paw prints slipped out….. my wife grabbed it and the tears came but in a good way if you know what I mean…. She later put the paw prints in a little frame and it’s on her desk. By all means draw her a picture of her cat.

  18. When my dog died my friend made me a picture of him out of textile, it was also quite stylized and I really really love it. I dunno if gf would feel the same but I loved my dog picture and he lives on my wall to this day.

  19. I’d would’ve loved a drawing of my cat from my partner after he passed. Also! I am a part of a team of artists called Art While Apart. I highly suggest looking it up and submitting a picture of her cat! It’s completely free, the team draws out if the kindness of our hearts. She can have 2 drawings of her cat!

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