I know it can always be found for £1/litre, but I’m curious about why there’s no own brand equivalent anywhere? Are Vimto very protective of their product?

EDIT: a few mentions of the fizzy variety, but what about the squash?

  1. Morrisons has/used to have their own version of fizzy vimto – I can’t find it on the website at the moment but it was called Mixed Berry Crush.

  2. Although it markets itself as grape, raspberry and blackcurrant, my grandma was utterly convinced it was fizzy prune juice. Given that you can’t encroach on the tradename and that “fizzy prune” doesn’t sound massively palatable, maybe it’s a difficult one to market. In the same way, there aren’t really supermarket versions of Irn Bru or Tizer, but when something is named after the ingredients (lemonade, cola, dandelion and burdock), it’s easier for supermarkets to do their own versions.

  3. Not popular enough; lots of ingredients which will increase production costs; difficult to replicate a very specific flavour; already quite cheap.

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