Should you be 100% happy in a relationship? I’ve been in 3. I have never been 100% happy with everything in either of them. They always miss something. Usually sex or intimacy. Everything else is usually good. Should you be happy with everything or is that being unrealistic?

  1. Are they 100% happy with you? Chances are. They probably aren’t. Relationships aren’t perfect, they’re a compromise. The trick is to find someone you feel is worth compromising for. We live in a world of “upgrades” and “throw away” items, and relationships are treated as such when something happens.

  2. i wish she could spend more time at work because she’s getting restless, all the kids are back in school now so the workload has slowed down a bit after the late summer rush

    i’m sure she wishes i’d get out there and finally seed that dead patch of grass in the back lawn

    other than that it’s pretty smooth sailing, after 20 years you’re pretty well settled and established

    sex activity tends to slow down but tbh doing it less often makes it more enjoyable when you do it haha

  3. is because your comparing every partner to he one previous. thats why you will never be happy.

    your partner is your best friend. why are you looking for flaws?

    nobody is 100%. you have to learn to embrace the flaws or you never will be truely happy.

  4. A relationship is an agreement between two people to be the best they can be for each other, but just like any other agreement you need to make sacrifices. If you want to be 100% happy in a relationship all the time you’re probably better off staying single and paying for sex/GFE

  5. Everything is missing in my current relationship.

    My previous relationship I was 100 % happy myself as good as a single man no nagging do what I want when I want living the dream but with a hot girlfriend nice happy woman lovely to be honest. But something was missing in the relationship I didn’t love her. Parted ways.
    Look back with great regret. Everything was perfect apart from the love for her.

    Current relationship I love her but she’s turned into a nightmare.

  6. I wish her love language was touch like me. We have plenty of sex. But I want a lot more non-sexual touching/contact.

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