First of all, do colleges in the UK have a “spring break”? In the US, spring break is a week off of school, usually in the month of March. At least in the South, it’s popular for college students to go to the beach like Miami.

Is this a thing in the UK? If so, what’s a popular destination for college students? Is it like here where you get absolutely sloshed.?

  1. i mean, we get 9 holdays a year, 6 1 week holidays spread equally throughout the year and 2 weeks for christmas, 2 weeks for easter and 6 for summer

  2. The main university breaks are Easter, Christmas and summer. Students at university often get completely drunk several times a week.

    It is very common for 18-21 year olds to go on holiday to places in Spain and Greece and get destroyed which is probably your closest equivalent, although this is normally over summer and often in the time after completing high school and before starting first year of university

  3. We have holidays at Christmas and Easter as well as summer.
    Christmas is usually spent with family, like your Thanksgiving mixed with Christmas, only most people take a week or two off work too.

    Thing is, students can legally drink at 18 in pubs etc and buy booze – and can drink it legally below that age, so the answer is probably Fresher’s Week for the drinking, followed by the week after exams in June. That might also be when people go away, but there isnt a culture of everyone going away at the same time.

  4. No not at all. Kids just start drinking around 15 or 16 and do it whenever they like, they don’t need permission off society to do it all at certain time in a certain place.

  5. We get a week or two off at Easter but it’s more of a breather and an excuse to go home and see family or friends. Our terms/semesters are nowhere near as long as the US (typically mid-September/early-October to mid-December. Late January/early February to late April/mid May/early June)

    As practically all university students are able to legally drink in the UK (since the legal age is 18) we can go to the off-license, pub or club whenever we want. If you want to go somewhere specific with your mates to get plastered, you go to somewhere like Spain in summer break.

    When I studied in the US for a year I couldn’t drink (because 21 is a stupid age limit) so I decided to go to Washington DC during spring break to get away from all the people coming to Miami (where I was studying) and all the chaos they naturally bring.

  6. Yeah we’ve seen it on TV and in films no it doesn’t exist have a nice evening.

  7. Freshers Week is probably our closest equivalent (in terms of sheer alcohol consumption and fucking), but that happens in the first week of the academic year and within the university city. No one will travel to a specific place for it and normally only first year students do this (hence Freshers Week).

    Either that, or maybe holidays taken after school and pre-university in party destinations like Ibiza, Ayia Napa, Magaluf, Zante, all those kinds of places are where you’ll see the closest to Spring Break behaviour (all the substances, all the veneral diseases…)

    The thing is, we can legally drink from 18, so more often than not there’s always parties going on throughout the year – Wednesday nights are normally a big one as that’s when most universities have short days to allow for sports, so all the sports clubs go out on Wednesdays.

    If anything, our breaks for Christmas / Easter etc. would be our calmest times! Everyone goes home to see their parents and they probably won’t drink haha

    Even Freshers Week will never be as crazy as Spring Break though because we’re so used to alcohol, we’re not so much in the mindset of going crazy and going all out? If that makes sense? Most of us start drinking at 15 or 16. In all honesty by the time I turned 18 I was already bored of alcohol haha! It’s just a different culture completley

  8. Schools, colleges and universities get two weeks off around Easter. Most college and uni students have to revise for exams in that time. The 6-8 week summer holiday is more popular for taking holidays abroad. Also college here is for 16-18 year olds. What you call college we call university.

  9. People usually go home for the holidays in my experience, visit old school friends or family. University students get absolutely sloshed all the time anyway, they don’t need a special week off to do it in. The only vague equivalent may be groups going away to cheap resorts in Europe like Magaluf but that isn’t really tied to Universities. That is just groups of friends.

  10. Not generally, no. The weather isn’t good enough for a holiday. Some head back to their families for Easter, some just use the time for studying. If there’s a period where students drink too much, it’s usually Fresher’s Week.

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