Dads of Reddit. What motivates you to be the best father you can be?

  1. Haha. You think reddit dads try to be good fathers. We barely brush our teeth and do laundry. We hate our lives most days and regret becoming fathers even if we love our kids. We fuck up more and more every day.

  2. When I yell, “shut the fuck up, you dumb bitch”, is when I realize I can’t have kids if I say this to my dogs.

  3. They are my kids, they have my name. I don’t want little idiots running around shutting on our family’s reputation. Also it’s my job to Rais the best adults that I can.

  4. You don’t know love until you’ve had kids. At least I didn’t. They are the only people that I would die for. I would move mountains for them if I could.

  5. My motivation is happiness, doesn’t matter how lame it sounds. I want them to be happy, that makes me happy

  6. The knowledge that they are completely dependent on me, and the fact that they are beautiful, clever and funny as hell.

  7. They’re cute as infants and you love them more than you’ve loved anyone. But one day they come to you and hug you unprompted on their own free will. That is a level of love that is almost unbearable.

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