What’s the dumbest thing you’ve heard someone say?

  1. That because I don’t masturbate or watch porn, I’m asexual.

    Some people just cannot grasp the idea of someone who doesn’t have a very high libido. It might just be because some people have a libido so high they can’t understand someone with a very very low drive.

    I do have a drive. Just a very very low one. Most I do with it is think about receiving headpats or hugs from attractive men.

  2. ‘*Everyone* watches porn!’

    And they get so pissed off about it. Some people project their interests heavily on the general population, they forget that people are individuals and you know…just not be into the same shit. It’s like they *need* for it to be true to feel better about their consumption. The fact that porn is normalised to the point of equivocating its value to a basic need is pretty dismal

  3. When i was young, like 15 or 16 years old

    A male friend of mine showed me a meme. The point of the meme was to confuse men by saying “Women have 3 holes”.

    So he asked me “what does that mean?”

    I explained it to him and then he told me “Oooooh, i thought woman peed by the anus”

    I laughed really hard.

  4. I said it.
    I asked a lady from England what language she spoke.
    I realized it the moment I said it but it was already out.

  5. Talked about how humans were around when dinosaurs were around. How awful it would’ve been to live back in those days fending for our lives. I’m like oh you poor thing, let me educate you real quick. Was very confused when I explained humans really haven’t existed for that long in the grand scheme of things

  6. Back when I was in high school i heard a girl yell-whisper to her friend,

    “what’s Obama’s last name?”

  7. At the grocery store bakery section. Young boy points to a row of cakes in the case that are in the shape and decorated to look like farm chickens. His mother says, “That’s just stupid.There’s no such thing as a white chicken”.

  8. In a college lecture class a girl in the back of the room said, “I don’t think there is racism against Native Americans, because I haven’t met any.” The whole class got really quiet and then we all slowly turned to find out who had said that piece of shit statement. The look on her face made it clear that she had no idea that what she said was so dumb.

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