About a week ago a met this guy, we are both HS juniors and we really hit it off… we met at this workshop thing that was for 4 days. He volunteered to tutor me, and today he did. We spend 4 hours in library and we really understand each other. The problem is, (just to make it clear) I am mensa smart, he is even smarter (i would estimate around IQ150). We are both not very social, but he does want to keep meeting each other. I really like him, it doesnt happen very often so i have never dated (I am F18), Though I am kind of blunt and I dont want to scare him off…he is not the type to go for looks and shallow girls, like the other guys I have met. I always tried to look my best, to impress, but with him I am lost, we can talk for hours. I just want to make him interested. He made fun of his classmates chasing girls and that was when I realised, this is going to take time. I am scared to f-it up. I am mostly just venting, but if you have similar experience, please help. (english is not my first language and I cant find apostrophe, thank you)

  1. Just start by being friends, which it sounds like you already are. The more you hang out together, the more obvious it will become if things are going to progress beyond friendship.

  2. Doesn’t sound like you are messing anything up. But I will tell you that even very smart boys can fail to read signals and be dumb as fuck at 18. So do not hesitate to be up front and bluntly tell him you like him a lot in a romantic sense and would want to pursue that.

    I remember when I was about your age (Im 31 m now) There was a girl I had a HUGE crush on. She and her friend came up to me at a party and the friend said something like “look at (girl I really liked). Doesn’t she look gorgeous? What do you think.” I just drank my drink and said “yap.” And walked away. I came off as completely disinterested in a girl I had a huge crush on who clearly had a crush on me, just because I was an idiot and nervous to be talking to the girl I liked. So long story short, if you want him, tell him in no uncertain terms.

  3. Just keep doing what you’re doing

    The truth is people who are really really smart tend to feel isolated, like no one else can understand them (because often they can’t). Sounds like hes happy to finally have some one around on a similar level.

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