EDIT: i got message requests from a few people but reddit closes out when i click on it, just comment idk how messages work on here šŸ˜ ill elaborate as simply as i can.

So i want honest judgment for my 2 options and if i should try dating in these scenarios or just wait till i got my own place

1. Im considering living in a van (cleanly) and doing van dwelling (400 per month)

2. Continue Staying home and live with my folks ($600 per month)

Im 27 and moved out before but ive been living at home since 2020 and stopped dating since then.

Long irrelevant story as to why.

Would you write someone off who currently lives in a van/how do you veiw that vs dudes living at home?

I feel weird about living with my parents at this age and tryna date lol

  1. If I were you, I’d do my best to meet closer to the date so there’s no excuse to come to my place or my van.

  2. Out of those 2 options, living with parents. But there should also be a stable job to be attractive, and with that a small but big enough appartment should be possible. I don’t know if that’s different where you live though. If not, what do your colleagues do?

  3. I would go with the van dwelling if you know what you are doing and you can make it work. I always recommend men to move out of their parents’ place asap since it really will awaken that survival instinct in you to perform out there to stay independent. It’ll definitely chip away on your laziness / complacency for sure.

  4. God bless America. your freedom comes in two ways: live in a car or live with your parents.

  5. If his reason is because heā€™s broke thatā€™s why heā€™s living in a van, then yes, I would write him off. He better have a legitimate reason or purpose, and he better have a good paying job otherwise I call bullsh** on his ā€œchosen lifestyle.ā€

    I had a roommate once who was a ā€œminimalist.ā€ She hardly pitched in to buy anything for the apartment. She said she was a simple girl but had soooo much clothes she had to use some of my closet space to hang up hers AND she used a lot of stuff I bought for the apartment without replenishing them when we ran out. ā€œMINIMALISTā€ my ass!! Youā€™re just a broke ass bishā€¦

    BTW, the only two guys Iā€™ve ever dated lived with their mom. They were Asian, and I am too, so that wasnā€™t too weird. A lot of their male friends also lived with their parent(s). However, my two exes were well off. They just felt obligated to look after their mom because they were the only child but didnā€™t enjoy it.

  6. Iā€™d prefer to date someone living with parents rather than a van tbh. But also, if someone has goals and a reason for living at home or a van, I would not mind dating them if they are a nice person, and we clicked. When I met my bf, I just liked him so much as a person that I canā€™t imagine myself caring if he lives at home or anything.

  7. I want to convert and live in a van as well it’s nice to have that freedom especially since I enjoy rock climbing and mountain biking. The problem I here about van life is depending on where you are it’s hard finding a place to park and sleep but I’ve also seen successful van life individuals. You don’t have to give up dating because you’re living in a van. I would date a van lifer.

  8. I would never date someone who lives in a van personally. would date someone living with parents in a heart beat

  9. Um…well I’m currently living in my dad’s house so how can I truly judge anyone living from home. Now, in a van? That maybe a harder pill to swallow but everything is subjective and I don’t know the circumstances but off the bat it would be a no for me.

  10. It’s so sad that people judge others based on where they live. Like when did it become shameful to live with your parents? And houses are EXPENSIVE, so a van would be understandable.

  11. Ok living with ur parents is no shame as long as ur doing ur best to help them. If ur letting mom and dad do all the chores that’s lame. But if ur an active part of the house taking care of the house and occupants than that’s admirable. If u live in a van YUK. Although there are alternatives like renting a room from someone. There are very fine small efficiency apartments. Check the wanted ads. These days are hard and getting harder. So, learn to give more to ur parents or find a small place. No van living. Yuk smelly and unhealthy. Learn to see what a gift u have in parents that love u and are helping u. Give back and don’t act like a greedy teenager. Try adulting for awhile. It ain’t so bad.

  12. Van life 100%. Personally I’d find that way more attractive than living with parents. It shows independence, initiative, and a flair for thinking outside the norm, all big turn ons for me!
    Ultimately though its where works best for you as a person, regardless of dating. Where you are happiest and most content is what brings people to you.

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