Been seeing this guy (we’ve hungout 3 times so far). Literally, here’s how our convo from last night went: We both asked each other about our day. I told him I went to the gym and he was being flirty about that but I was too tired to flirt back so I ignored that and changed the topic to how his trip was and asked a couple things about that. He answered and then I asked what else he did yesterday. And that was it. Like these are literally most of our text convos, it’s not just yesterday. I’m usually able to work around bland convo (cuz I’m pretty talkative in general) but not with him for some reason. Could this be a lack of emotional connection or something?

  1. The very premise of what you were trying to do is wrong. You’re trying to establish an emotional connection over text. People just don’t work like that.

  2. Well, I suppose it’s better than talking about the weather (somewhat, anyway).

    If you guys have nothing to say, why not skip a night or three? Might be trying too hard.

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