Mid-20s guy here, full-time employed & definitely not a social hermit. Used to be very shy in my teens but grew out of it. Unfortunately experienced a significant negative event in my late teens and despite dating a little bit over the last 3 or 4 years, I’ve still never had sex/or a girlfriend.

Just curious if sexual inexperience is a turn-off, and if so how should I address it to girls I date in the future?

  1. Some people are going to be outspokenly put off about your inexperience. Others are going to go to great lengths to be allowed to teach you. and yet others don’t care one shit about it.

    If I were you, I’d look among those who think teaching you and showing you things, is rewarding and something they like to do.

  2. I’m a man so probably is not my opinion that you seek, but the first thing you should know is that you can be good in sex even your first time, as you can be bad your 200th time, like in everything there is talent (or lack of it) for sex so it’s not sure that you are going to be the worst fuck ever for the girl that will take your virginity. Second, you must be really unlucky to find a girl so shallow that will live your inexperience like a turn off, and if it’s happen, don’t give a fuck and go next. The majority of girls will not makes you feel uncomfortable for your lack of experience

  3. There are plenty of women who would find it very interesting and exciting to teach someone the ropes. It wouldn’t turn me off personally, I would take on a ‘teacher’ role and see it as a fun project that strengthens the connection.

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