My best friend (29NB) has been acting strange since accidentally trauma dumping on me (30NB)?

Hi folks,

So the past few months have been incredibly stressful for me. My mom was in the ICU for about 3 weeks and had a serious heart procedure in June. One of my cousins died on my birthday. Then my stepmom suddenly passed away on August 2nd. Needless to say that I’m not doing well. I told my best friend (they live in a different state) that my stepmom had literally passed away a few minutes prior. They were of course shocked and couldn’t believe how it happened so quickly. For my mental health, I decided to take a break from all social media and deleted all my usual apps.
A few days later, my best friend texted me that they couldn’t believe it. I was confused and asked for further clarification since I was off of social media. They informed me that one of our friends from college died. I was, of course, shocked! I knew this particular person had been in and out of the hospital but not to that extent. My best friend then proceeds to go on about how they can’t mentally cope with the news and how upsetting this was to them along with some other things. I was a little irritated and explained that my emotional spoons weren’t there, considering like, my stepmom literally just died. Lol. They then basically state that they had forgotten. Like what…? I literally posted about it before my social media break. So, I gave them the advice my therapist gave about grieving.

I checked on them a few days after that conversation to see how they were holding up. They read my message and never responded.
Hasn’t said a word to me since, but will like my posts on social media.

Best friend decided to discuss their grief over a friend while I’m dealing with the sudden death of a parent

Was I wrong here? Was I the insensitive one?

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