I kind of just got stood up. I went on the best date of my life last week. Thought I met the one Even if I didn’t previously think of him that way. It was the best time of my life and I have never felt this way before. We had a date planned for this week that he planned and initiated, and after I was on my way and about two minutes out he messaged me to say he couldn’t make it and that therapy was a lot and he needed to figure himself out and find who he is. I’m fighting myself about being understanding cause I know I feel lost sometimes too and just being so angry that everything felt so right up until the very minute we were supposed to meet up and it couldn’t be communicated. Why tell me that I was everything he was looking for and that he was so excited to see me again next weekend.. I’m just angry and hurt. The connection I had with this guy was like one I never expected to have in my life. I just did not see this coming,I don’t even know what or how to feel. Like what just happened. I can’t even process this cause all I got was a “it’s not you it’s me, I genuinely cannot build myself while building a relationship” after our date last weekend where everything pointed to (and what directly communicated) that a relationship was in progress. I thought I was pretty tough but boy was this a humbling experience

  1. Unfortunately shit happens, welcome to the disappointing side of dating and relationships where everyone has at least once visited.
    Best thing I can say is step back for bit reflect on it then pull yourself together and move forward. This happens on both sides of the fence. Be positive, patience and stay true to yourself and you’ll be rewarded.

  2. I’m so sorry. That is awful to go through. If you want to, you can let him know that you’ll continue to date around, but if/when he’s ready, reach out again. That way maybe when he’s in a better place mentally, you’ll have a second chance. You probably spooked the crap out of him since he really dug you, then suddenly realized he wasn’t ready. It’s no one’s fault since it didn’t sound intentional. But I totally understand being upset. It’s awful to feel rejected when it has nothing to do with you.

  3. He’s dealing with the things that aren’t of your concern

    It’s shitty, but I don’t think there is a use in pondering what it might be.

    I never stood anyone up, but I have been in your guy’s shoes before. I knew the other person didn’t do anything wrong, but I also knew that I couldn’t be involved with them anymore

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