I think love is something you can pursue and achieve just like anything else, just like a dream career or financial stability or happiness. Too many people say it falls into your lap when least expected, but that belief has led me into the worst places, so I think it is too limiting a belief.

  1. You have to deeply care about someone to be able to love him/her. That doesn’t mean that if you start dating someone and you’re annoyed by certain things it’s not possible, because you can get used to those things as long as you look past them. As long as you have fun together it’s possible 🙂

  2. Hmm I think you’ve been expecting love all this time 😂 the moment you get pissed off with it and do your own thing without worrying about love it ironically appears.
    I always wanted true love growing and I get fed up when I turned 18 so I thought I would hookup instead or so stupid in uni which I haven’t done 😂 but I was living my life not thinking about it anymore and ironically met my gf off of Reddit but I wasn’t even looking for anything, I just wanted to chat because I had chat with so many people and you don’t really expect much from it if I’m honest.
    I ironically went in with the least amount of effort compared to other chats who didn’t respond or gave me crap responses. I didn’t expect it but here I am 😂

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