I met this chick and we vibe so hard. There’s never a dull moment. We’re both super passionate about the things that we talk about and we love talking / listening to one another. It’s to the point where we literally finish eachothers sentences. We’re active for sure and it’s great no issues there it only draws us closer. The only issue is that she doesn’t want to date because her last relationship of 5 years was bad and ended horribly.

She’s explained to me that she wants me to find someone that will make me happy and treat me the best way possible but at the same time we still spend such time together, as if we were dating – and I’ve most definitely expressed my feelings to her but after she told me what she wants for me I sorta pulled back and played it cool saying “look I get it I would be hesitant to commit right now after your last relationship ” I then said let’s just play it cool and continue hanging out and let whatever happens come naturally .

The last thing I wanna do is spook her by putting any kind of pressure to date so I made sure to re iterate my thought process in that there is zero expectation moving forward and I’m content with where we are now.

I most definitely wanna date her eventually though so what’s the best way to play my cards with this info ?

Also there are most deff other girls that are interested in way, this really beautiful chick actually but I don’t even like talking / hanging out with any girl other then the one I’m crushing on because one it feels like low key cheating g cuz I know my crush would he hurt by it and two I don’t vibe w her the way I do w my crush.

Idk why are women so confusing
Saying something like yeah I want you to go find someone beautiful and fun and exciting and someone to treat you well but like at the same time I feel like if I actually did that she would be hurt ?

1 comment
  1. Honestly she probably just isnt that into you and she’s being polite, she only likes you as a friend. If I were you I would just keep her a friend and stop seeing her as a romantic partner.

    If you wanted to increase the likelihood you’ll date her then the best thing to do is date other women and pull back from her. Avoid hanging out with her platonically. Instead when you talk to her you should tell her, “Let me know when you’re ready to go on a romantic date” and just kind of leave it at that. The more available you are, the more you pressure her to exclusively date you, the more she knows you like her the less interested she will be.

    If she has any interest in you then it needs to build because she’s curious about you and chases you, if you chase her then you’ll definitely chase her away.

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