Im going to try to make this as short as possible. In a nutshell my (37f) fiancée (32m) have been together for 3 years. A few months ago he started talking to a girl from work, like a lot. I told him it made me uncomfortable and it turned into this whole big thing. After several weeks of arguing about it he said he stopped talking to her outside of work. I didn’t buy it. The puzzle pieces finally fell together today and I found out he just changed her name in his phone and never stopped talking to her, which I had suspected for months. He didn’t just come clean, he lied again first. I’ve asked him to come clean several times and he would just gaslight me. I don’t think he’s cheating on me, it’s more about the lies than anything else. Would you try to save this relationship? Have you overcome a spouse lying to you and if so, how? Is it even worth it?

  1. Talking to her is more important to him than being honest in your relationship. He is actually putting his loyalty to her above his loyalty to you. Would I marry a man like that? No chance.

  2. You aren’t hiding a girl in your phone unless you have ulterior motives and it’s not just talking. Trust is gone. His ass would be next.

  3. Cheating isn’t always physical. Emotional cheating is equally as bad, imo. What he did would be an absolute deal breaker for me…

  4. No, I would not try to salvage it. The guy is a liar and you can’t trust him as far as you could throw him. How would he ever earn your trust back?

  5. Ouch girl, he is trying to hide something from you. And we all know what. He is emotionally cheating on you now. In no time he will physically cheat on you if he hadn’t done it yet. Sorry you got engaged to such loser who only cares about new pussy

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