I have visiting the UK subs quite a lot recently in past few months, you guys have a very different humour compared to american subreddits.

Personally I feel like it is make fun of your miserable situation. You guys complain a lot about everyday problems! Small to big!

I would love to know what do you guys think ?

  1. As the leading UK “ask” subreddit, we welcome questions from all users and countries; sometimes people who ask questions might not appreciate or understand the nuance of British life or culture, and as a result some questions can come across in a different way than intended.

    We understand that when faced with these questions, our users may take the opportunity to demonstrate their wit, dry humour, and saracasm – unfortunately, this also tends to go over the heads of misunderstood question-askers and can make our subreddit seem hostile to users from other countries who are often just curious about our land.

    **Please can you help prevent our subreddit from becoming an Anti-American echo chamber?** If you disagree with any points raised by OP, or OP discusses common tropes or myths about the UK, please refrain from any brash, aggressive, or sarcastic responses and do your best to engage OP in a civil discussion, with the aim to educate and expand their understanding.

    If you feel this (or any other post) is a troll post, *don’t feed the troll*, just hit report and let the mods deal with it.

    *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/AskUK) if you have any questions or concerns.*

  2. I prefer English humour rather than US humour where you have to basically telegraph the punchline, or laugh at someone getting hit in the face with a football.

  3. UK humour is a lot more dark, subtle, lots of sarcasm and self deprecation.

    US humour to me seems to be old school slapstick in your face humour which does nothing for me.

  4. You are a cunt.

    (This is the wonder of the British language and humour – either you are my best friend and I have known for years OR we have never met and I am able to glass you).

  5. We applaud failure in comedy and find the underdog funniest. For instance, traditionally we wouldn’t laugh at a ripped handsome stud frolicking around in his birthday suit because he’d be showing off, but a pale, skinny average Joe with a beer belly? Now you’re talking.

  6. “Those Brits are a strange old race. They show affection by abusing each other, will think nothing of casually stopping in the middle of a firefight for a ‘brewup’ and eat food that I wouldn’t give to a dying dog. But fuck me, I would rather have one British squaddie on side than an entire battalion of Spetznaz! Why? Because the British are the only people in this world who when the chips are down and it seems like there is no hope left, instead of getting sentimental or hysterical, will strap on their pack, charge their rifle, light up a smoke, and calmly and wryly grin, ‘Well, are we going then you wanker?”
    — An American Soldier in WWII

  7. Dry enough that everyone British I’ve met gets it, even most Europeans and Americans. The Chinese don’t though. This has caused issues…

  8. I like my humour like I like my ladies, dark and self deprecating.

    I jest of course, I’d be lucky to find a lady.

  9. Non-existent. I think people who try to be funny never come across that way. I think the best humour is incidental and a little subtle.

  10. Dry, subtle, cynical. For the most part. There are a lot of people that are somehow entertained by halfwits like Michael McIntyre with their ‘safe for all the family’ humour.

  11. We have a vastly different sense of self, and national psychology. We might speak a common language but we have different cultures, and it’s apparent in our humour. No great shock really.

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