My boyfriend and I have been officially dating for two months. We’ve been seeing each other for five. On his social medias, he refuses to post me or say he’s in a relationship with me. He says he likes to keep his personal life private. He hardly ever posts on social media. He will maybe share one thing to do with sports once a month. He has introduced me to his friends and his family and my friends and family, but he won’t post me or go public. He takes me to all his favorite places to eat in his hometown, anywhere. So part of me doesn’t think he’s hiding me, but I don’t understand. Is it a red flag? He says if people want to know he will tell them but won’t post it. I know how I am sounding but it’s something that bothers me from my past relationship and makes me insecure and he says he understands but he just hates posting that kind of stuff on social media. Help!!

  1. If he never shares personal info on social media anyway, I wouldn’t worry about it. He may just want privacy online. It’s a good thing that most of us should do but don’t.

    I would only worry if this were opposite of what he would normally do. If he shares info about himself often, it would be a little weird to keep just this to himself.

  2. I never post on social media. My relationship is not on there either, my partner and I have been together for 4 years. I think he has posted me maybe twice on his? We’re not even friends with each other on Facebook and I deleted my insta a while ago.

  3. He introduced you to his family and friends the ones that truly matter to him, don’t worry about social media shit. If he posts you let it happen naturally

  4. I definitely understand how that is sometimes sus, but his other actions sound honest and truthful. I wouldn’t worry and I had my own experiences as to why I disappeared from public social media; I used to be very prevalent until some of my images were abused a couple years ago (I didn’t even have a public profile). Since then, I really locked it up and deleted over 80% of my friends list and I never post anything personal anymore.

  5. Maybe there’s a compromise somewhere that makes you both feel comfortable. There’s nothing wrong with not wanting to post that much on social media, I’m one of those people myself. The compromise I came to with my partner is that they’re able to post photos of me and tag my accounts. That way it’s still clear that I am in a relationship if anyone looks at my account without me having to post anything.

    He might just be a private person, I don’t think it’s a red flag unless there are other things that make it seem sus.

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