Me (F22) and M. (M21) have been hooking up for almost a year now. Things were fine for a while but then I moved and we couldn’t see each other for a few weeks. Now we’re seeing each other again, but it’s so awkward for some reason. Last time we both had to laugh so hard we had to stop, but it was kind of… weird? I don’t know. Anyway, we both agree this is a thing but neither of us know what to change and go back to how things were. Any advice is appreciated. Tips on foreplay, Spotify playlists to set the mood, any tips and tricks on anything, really. I just want fun sex again.

  1. The honest truth is that relationships get a bit awkward after the honeymoon period.

    It’s requires some work from both of you to get to the next level.

    Then the libidos are gonna skyrocket again! Wait for the next wave

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