What is the male equivalent to a resting bitch face?

  1. It’s the same thing for men, I have seen it used for both men and women and it seems to work well enough.

  2. “Honey you ok?”


    “So the package arrived”


    “Everything alright?”



  3. Some call it a wrestler face, Jeremy Renner had a funny interview where he used that term. I have that too so when I am in my thoughts I look very angry or grumpy.

    Once in high school I was sitting around a table waiting my friends to finish their classes and thinking something random simultaneously. One of my friends came and immediately said (in a joking manner) that I look like I’d want to kill somebody 😅

  4. I squint all the time at work (I work outside a lot of the time). I’m just trying to see but occasionally someone thinks I’m like really mad and I have to reassure them I’m not even meaning to do it

  5. Resting angry face?

    I do this all the time and have people ask me if im “okay” because i look pissed off.

  6. My wife thinks I’m super deep in thought about something serious when I’m just wondering if Mace Windu is coming back, which series would it be?

  7. ive got a bit of one, although its less now that im done with school.

    Because it made me look scary, everyone always got out of my way in crowded corridors, and no one picked on my friends

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