Earlier today, my friend’s now ex-boyfriend sent a message to our group chat thanking us all for everything and saying that he wishes us the best, then he left the chat. Most of our group has some pretty serious mental health issues, so I assumed the worst and thought it might have been a suicide note. I called him to make sure he wasn’t going to do anything stupid, which is when he told me he sent that because he broke up with my friend, not because he was going to kill himself. My friend found out that I called him before her and she’s very hurt. She said that she’s heartbroken and just wanted a friend. I feel really guilty for doing that to her, even though I do think my reasoning for it was understandable. I offered my support to her and apologized, but I got left on read. What do I do if she starts to ignore me? I won’t be able to see her at school for a while because I’m sick, and she needs support right now. Our friendship is really important to me and I just want her to be okay. What should I do?

tl;dr I thought my friend’s bf sent a suicide note so I called him, but he was just saying goodbye because he broke up with my friend, now my friend is upset that I called him before her and I don’t know what to do

  1. You were totally correct. And you explained that to her. She is upset, give her time. She will return, otherwise it will be a mistake from her side, not yours.

  2. You were worried for the health and safety of your friend. That is way more important than your friends feelings and I’d explain to her that is how you feel and she will have to get over it. Her heart break wasn’t something you thought was a life and death situation and she didn’t tell you they broke up so how would you know to call her?

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