The title is pretty self explanatory, my bf and I have been together for almost 3 years now and more recently he’s been open with the fact that he is attracted sexually to big breasts. Thing is, my breasts aren’t.. they’re not tiny, i haven’t worn a bra in 2 years but last time I did, I was a 34C and they’ve gotten bigger since. I’ve never been self conscious, I like my boobs they look nice and they’re perky. But since finding this out, that’s almost all I can think about (being in public with him and passing by women with big boobs, looking at myself in the mirror,etc.) I don’t want to get surgery because it’s expensive and he says he doesn’t like hard boobs. So basically, I just feel like I can’t satisfy him and it breaks my heart, he says he loves my breasts but still i can help but feel self conscious, especially when we’re having sex and he pushes my boobs together to make them appear bigger. Recently, we asked ourselves what our celebrity pass would be and he said a porn star that’s the complete opposite of me (huuuuge boobs, blonde) i’m brunette and far from H size breasts. That just made me feel worst cause she doesn’t even look remotely like me. So please if anyone can give me tips on how to grow your breasts naturally please help a girl out 🙏🏼🙏🏼

Edit: it wasn’t clear in my initial text but no i’m not just insinuating, he has said that he would find me more sexually attractive with bigger boobs and I would be a 10/10. Also said that the hall pass with the pornstar would be like having a lamborghini for a day wich was really hurtful, shouldn’t your gf you claim you love be a lambo in your eyes ?

  1. Did he actually say he wishes your boobs were bigger? Sounds more like you’re telling yourself that he wishes that. He told you he loves your breasts and he’s stayed with you for 3 years so it seems like it’s not an issue to him

  2. You can’t grow your breasts naturally but you can get a boyfriend who doesn’t make you less confident about how you are

  3. That’s not how relationships work. You don’t simply tell your partner your boobs are too small, it’s about compassion and accepting your partner as they are. In fact, it’s your natural body which he has no authority of to demand something. Besides this, you don’t need to obey his every whim, especially this absurdish one.

  4. Where is the part where he specifically says that he wishes your boobs were bigger … He may prefer bigger boobs (SO WHAT?!) … He even tells u that he likes them as they are (what more do u need?)

    I’m sorry if I sound like an asshole for saying this but stop overthinking it and be more confident 😊

  5. Maybe I’m just crazy, but I think perky kinda makes breasts look larger. You haven’t mentioned him complaining about yours, so I have to assume he’s content with what you’ve got.

  6. I don’t know. Everybody is going to have things they wish were different about their partner, that other people have in spades. As long as he likes your boobs maybe just let him like bigger tits, too. Nbd.

  7. I can give you one tip on how to grow your breasts naturally but I don’t think you’re going to like it. If you get pregnant your breasts will grow bigger during your pregnancy. They’ll stay the same size while your breastfeed. They’ll return to close to their normal size when you stop breast feeding your child. I don’t recommend getting pregnant just because your boyfriend likes women with larger breasts.

    I understand why you feel insecure when you know that he’s sexually attracted to women with big breasts. I think you might be making a mistake when you think that he’s only sexually attracted to women with big breasts. He wouldn’t have gone on a single date you if he was only sexually attracted to women with big breasts. He’s with you because he’s sexually attracted to you. He’s also with you for a lot of other reasons besides your breasts.

    You might be thinking that his type is a woman with large breasts. I think that would be a mistake because it’s safe to say that you’re now his type. My type was a blue eyed blond with a pony tail. My type is now a hazel eyed brunette with short hair. My type changed when I fell in love with my girlfriend. This is why I think that you’ve become his type.

    The FAQ has a section about body image issues titled [overall body]( It includes a link to a thread about what a partner can do to help. I hope that you’ll talk with your boyfriend about how you’ve felt insecure about your breast size since you found out that he was attracted to women with larger breasts.

  8. Well, I believe is fair that he was able to communicate, that’s important. And it is also important that you said you don’t want surgery. You guys are ok, don’t take it personally. I have small size boobs and even though man love big boobs, men married to big breasted women feel so aroused for my tiny boobs. I believe that’s how it works. You are an amazing woman, don’t ever doubt that

  9. From the title, I feel for you. You can’t change that and it’s awful for a partner to say that. However, from your post there’s some room for interpretation: did he specifically say he wants yours to be bigger? Reading what you said, to me it sounds more like him opening up to some of his preferences.

    Him being attracted to big breasts does not have to be exclusive of all other types of breasts. Sometimes, our insecurities will skew what our partner is saying. Porn is another topic that can easily be debated on for hours. For many men and women, it falls under entertainment and not representative of their partners whatsoever.

    The thing with boobs and men is that all boobs are hot, so maybe he said something normal, but in a way that made you feel worse.

    I really hope you will find it in you to have a chat with him and let him how his comments have made you feel.

  10. I love big boobs. I love small boobs. My partner is not the bustiest woman I’ve ever slept with but she’s perfect for me. All I can tell you is when she takes her top off or she wears something tight across her chest, my only thoughts are how the fuck did I land someone so incredible. Then she turns around while wearing yoga pants and I’m an ass man.

  11. Sorry there’s no more on the market for breast size than there is for penis size. Hopefully he realizes how you feel and gets over it. Personally I and many guys like bigger breasts BUT that doesn’t mean we don’t like any breasts. My wife has the same size and I’ve been very happy for years, wouldn’t want her to change a thing about them. Also keep in mind having bigger breasts can lead to back pain and other issues.

  12. Tell him you wish his dick was bigger and his tongue was more dexterous. I mean how rude and insulting!

  13. Don’t listen to that fool, I don’t understand why they all feel that bigger breast is attractive, when they just look like cancer tumors, overexaggarated and grotesque. life must be hard with those kind of thing on your body. Actually, you know what, don’t listen to him. It(s not worth it. Small chest is the way to go and live.

  14. Yeah that’s a dick move. I like big boobs also as long as their natural, implants just scream insecurities but now we know it’s because of dickheads like OPs boyfriend. I’m also a fan of the no bra movement 😂

  15. I’m a petite women and have a hard time gaining weight. I have a B size chest and a smaller frame and my boyfriend tells me I’m sexy and the best sex he’s ever had. He should be building up your confidence, not tearing it down and Loving the body you have. C size boobs are nice. If you have the right man you should never feel like you have to change yourself. I’m sorry he made you feel this way. The world would be boring if everyone had the same body type. You’re perfect just the way you are. ❤️

  16. I don’t think you should worry about that since you’ve been together for 3 years and he still loves you for who you are. I understand it might be hurtful that he said he wished you had bigger breast but you can talk about it to him. I think every person can wish for something but everyone knows that their wishes might not all be true. And people still accept it somehow, generally.
    I’m size AA and my bf is obsessed with bimbos with plastic 2000cc implant tits. He looks at porn and pictures every single day but he still loves me for who I am, in terms of me as a person and personality.
    I know it is difficult and I felt inconfidence at first, but I would suggest to trust your bf’s love more.

  17. There are basically two ways to grow your boobs naturally: get pregnant or get fat.

    I suggest keeping your top on around your bf–bottoms too–until he gets down on his knees and apologizes for the shitty things he’s said about your breasts and begs to see them again.

  18. not every stray thought that pops into your head needs to be spoken. your bf was out of line. the pornstar/car comparison was also tasteless unnecessary and insensitive

  19. To answer the final question:

    Nop, the gf shouldn’t be a lambo, what if theres a fucking speedbump? You’re fucked.

  20. Your problem isn’t that he likes big boobs. Your problem is that he’s telling you he wishes you were “better.” That you aren’t a Lamborghini as you are. No wonder you’re hurt.

    If he really wishes he had a girlfriend with bigger boobs, he should go find one. If he really loves you as you are, and you know it, but he communicates like a fourth grader, talk to him about treating you like a sedan instead of a Lamborghini. And consider whether you like him as he is.

    Either way, a boob job would solve nothing and would be a terrible idea, especially since you like your breasts the way they are.

  21. For a man who truly loves you, your boobs will always be perfect for him no matter the size of them! The decision is now yours.

  22. Years ago, I had 34C boobs. Now, they’re several sizes bigger because of weight gain and health problems. I wish mine were smaller again. Yes, bigger boobs may be nice to look at, but they come with so many more issues than smaller ones that men like your boyfriend don’t even think about.

    You shouldn’t have to change yourself to please him. If he truly loved you and wanted to be with you, he would accept you regardless of your boob size. I speak as a married woman of almost 7 years whose husband has continued to love me the same (and even more) despite the changes with my own body.

  23. Dump him. You know which boobs are most perfect on a woman? Whichever ones she has now! Only change if YOU want to change and it makes YOU feel better! #DTMFA

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