I’ll start off my saying there’s nothing wrong with being gay or bisexual but I’m currently dealing with a feeling I can’t shake off. I have been dating the same guy for a while now. Initially I noticed that he has a very distinct higher voice and for the lack of a better word “gay sounding inflections” when he speaks even down o his mannerisms when he speaks which could be described as effeminate in nature. After a while I stopped noticing it. During a random convo I asked if he had ever been interested in men and he said no that he was straight and has never been interested in men before. My friends have also noticed and have asked me if he was bisexual, not that it’s anyone’s business. In term of intimacy he’s never asked to try back door stuff and he said he’s never done it before, the only concern being some issues with not being able to perform if you know what I mean. I guess what I’m asking is if anyone one has had experienced this before? Im not sure how to address this again because the feeling I can’t get rid of is that he isn’t being 100% truthful with himself. The relationship on the other hand has been nothing but good as he is an incredibly kind person. I will add that he is a huge nerd so maybe it maybe just be some awkwardness? I know stereotyping is bad but I am also the person that he is dating and it’s kind of the best way to describe my observation.

  1. A higher voice pitch doesn’t mean he’s gay or bi. That’s a stereotype, sure, but you’ve asked him and he told you he’s straight. You don’t believe him. Why don’t you trust him?

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