i am 30, asian chinese. how do i get a bigger scrotum/balls?

  1. This feels like a troll post but I’ll answer anyway. Dick and ball size is genetic. There’s nothing you can do.

  2. Same way you get bigger hands….you don’t, not without some unusual cosmetic surgery.

  3. I have 2 large cysts on my testicles, makes the scrotum bigger.

    I would not recommend this method.

  4. saline injections but it’s painful and very temporary


    i have annoyingly larger than average testicles and no woman in my entire life has ever said a word about it, positively or negatively

    sure makes for some irritating days when it’s hot and humid out there, bleh

    if anything i wish there was a reduction surgery

  5. You can slam them into a car door and they will swell up but eventually they’ll go down😅

  6. You can do ball stretching by wearing weighted rings for a certain amount of time per session.

    That stretches your skin.

    Just look it up and I’m sure there will be sub credits about it. One of the companies that make the equipment is called ‘Chain Gang’ so have a look their as a starting reference.

    This will no increase the size of your testicles but stretch your sack down. You can pump your ball sack also, look at site ‘secretleather’ for information about that.

  7. Get blown up. I saw a lot of guys in the “Walter Reed” surgical intensive care unit who had massive grapefruit sized scrotums from injuries sustained from explosions.

  8. I’m asian as well and I can tell you that it’s not easy but doable. You need 1kg of bamboo shoots, 0W-30 oil, but only from Castrol, milk of Cashmere goats, a surface grinder that has recently been calibrated, and the first album of Britney Spears, from batch 30-020-189 i you can, i find that works the best. Once you have gathered all these items, DM me and i’ll show you how to enlarge your balls.

  9. r/Testosterone
    I believe HCG injections should help you out haven’t done it myself but maybe someone over at r/Testosterone can help you out bro

  10. Could try HCG, Nolvadex, or Chlomid. Though that would be temporary if it worked, usually a regiment to remedy hypogonadism

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