When was the last time you wore a tie and for what occasion?

  1. Son’s graduation from University in the summer (2 years after the event due to covid.)

    2 years ago, I’d have worn one every weekday. Homeworking put paid to that.

  2. Wearing one right now… special occasion called *fucking work* and fuck whoever made them

  3. Yesterday for a job interview. Apparently it’s a rare thing because they all thought it was awesome

  4. My wedding 11 years ago, before then I would say probably another 10-15 years, and I’m hoping now I’ll be able to get through the rest of my life (32 now) without having to wear another suit and tie haha!

  5. oh wow it’s probably been at least 8-9 years, i think it was my little sister’s wedding

    not sure i even own a tie anymore, i think i might own one collared shirt though haha

  6. It was 2015 at an FFA(Future Farmers of America) event put on by my high school’s Agriculture department. I haven’t worn a tie since I’ve graduated high school.

  7. I wore a tie for my Halloween costume like 2 or 3 years ago I forgot.

    I’ve been jokingly putting the tie on ever since for “good luck” but I haven’t worn it in public since that Halloween. That tie really only works with that costume anyways otherwise it’s weird lol

  8. It had been several years since I wore a tie until last week. I went to a boarding school when I was younger where I had to wear a shirt, tie, blazer, khakis, etc. every school day for 4 years. I had a distaste for uniform-like clothing and avoided it for a long time. I wore all kinds of crazy clothes, the brightest colors, the baggiest pants, and just anything that was out of the norm. It was awesome having the freedom to wear whatever I wanted.

    I recently went through a rough patch in my life, I felt so unhealthy and disgusted with myself. I put on an old suit of mine last week and was looking for a tie to match. The tie I pulled out of my box was an old tie that belonged to one of my friends. This friend passed away about 5 years ago, so having refound the tie and putting it on was something a little extra special. I went out and got some compliments from friends and strangers and it was a great day

  9. Only times I’ve worn a tie is for weddings, funerals, and a couple times company Christmas parties.

    Been quite a while since I’ve worn one, but it has to be one of those three.

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