Hello dating advicers

TLDR: So I am a 5’4″ 23 y o inexperienced Indian guy from India, moving to a distant city for work after working remotely, and I am starting to pay attention to my dating life now. What should I do first?

During covid, I was finishing my final year of college, and then my first job started remotely, Now, I have the opportunity to move to the work location after 1 year.


I am extremely under-experienced. Like super-dooper underexperienced. No action at all in my entire life. Even my friends have started worried – “Bhai tera koi scene kab banega?” (which is Hindi slang for “Bro when are you going to date?”)

Here are some issues with me that I have recognized so far:

1. I have confessed to a girl only once in my life, and that was during high school. But I did it just to release stress off my mind so that I could focus on my studies, no matter what her response would have been. Needless to say, I was friend-zoned by that point pretty hard.
2. I have never dated anyone. How does an acquaintance become someone you want to go on a date with? How do you turn your normal, daily conversation into that kind of a direction?
3. I don’t drink, smoke, or take any kind of recreational drugs.
4. I don’t know how you even initiate things like sex, making moves, asking for a date, or anything of that sort
5. I am pretty fat, but I do have muscles
6. I don’t know what a relationship is. I don’t know why people seek it so much. But I do know my yearning for connection and intimacy is one thing I could satisfy from a relationship, but that’s it.
7. I am an ambivert, but introvert enough to not like clubbing every weekend. Once in 2 weeks could be cool though, like I used to in college, but I never went to a dance party outside of the college setting.
8. Likes videos games (lol)

Now here are things that I think would help me:

1. I am a very chill person. People would ask me if I ever get angry and I would have no answers for them lol. But I do know that getting angry is a requirement sometimes, and I do have the ability to lash out if needed.
2. I am a good listener.
2. I am pretty confident in my ability to dance. I mostly do hip-hop. Been dancing since I was 14.
3. I can cook. Mostly interested in baking stuff.
5. I like to discuss technical, and scientific stuff. I take pride in my willingness to learn about philosophy, physics and computer science. I am a software engineer at my job but I am also a hobbyist programmer, so I am really interested in talking about things like that. Maybe these are some good discussion topics for girls? Idk, I couldn’t know.

Now I am moving to a distant city where I won’t be under my parents’ watch and I will have opportunities to date, without my parents asking my whereabouts every 3 hours. I will also have the ability to re-create my image when I move. I am also kind of frustrated with my introvert personality where I have so much stuff to say, but my shyness comes in the way. I worked on this aspect of my in college A LOT, and I was almost an extrovert by the end of college, (at least according to a friend), but staying at home for 2 years changed all of that.

What are some things I should do first if I want to level up my dating skills?

  1. Switch to a keto diet and workout. You will lose weight extremely quick. Being fit helps with confidence and mental health

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