Talking with friends is normally not too bad for me, but there comes a point after asking all of the how’s life kinda questions that my mind just blanks. What do normal friends talk about? I can’t get my head around how people talk about seemingly random subjects for hours on end, and still have things to talk about?

  1. I know people who struggle with the same issue. Perhaps you just haven’t met “your people” yet.

    Common topics among friends: gossip, opinions about politics/social issues, relationships (romantic/work or school/ in-laws/ teachers, etc.), common experiences (work/school/sports), sharing music or other art they might appreciate, trying new things (food, shopping, entertainment, books, podcasts…

    There’s more, but I think that’s a good starter point. Also, it’s ok to not always have something to say. If you’re looking to find new friends with whom you may be more compatible you may want to try joining some type of club or group that does something you’re interested in (for example taking language classes, a sketchbook club, local swim team).

  2. Common interests. Can be anything really, just as long it is something everyone who’s part of the conversation is honestly interested in and has fun talking about.

  3. You talk shit. Stuff that serves No purpose. Low IQ thinking. Basically, you don’t really watch what you are saying and indulge in the no filter talking. Make fun to others and each other. You don’t take things too seriously.

  4. I guess it depends what type of friends we are talking about. I have friends from high school where we reminisce in the past and catch up on life events. I have coworkers whom we have small talk, asking about each other’s weekends and things will branch off from there. I have few close friends but these I pick and choose whom and how spend time with. We would have common interests like reading where we can get lost in conversation until our wives call us to come home. It all depends. Sometimes I have friends whom just make me feel good, that are encouraging, and just enjoyable to be around.

    Share a joke, a story, or something worth sharing. The more experiences you have the more you will have to talk about.

    Currently I’m in the Republic of Congo helping a friend with a nonprofit and when I get back all my friends, family, and coworkers are dying to see all the photos and hear the stories I have. And it’s not just that I am bringing perspective but experiences. In some instances they will be able to relate and others they will not be able to comprehend the vast nuance and differences of another world.

  5. I mostly talk about shit and common interests with them. What bound us together at the beginning was random small talks that move into deliberate talk about people or circumstances.

    But for me, I have different topics for different group of friends. So let’s say with group A, I’ll be talking about work. With group B, I’ll be talking about games and hobbies. With group C, I’ll be talking about personal developments.

    So don’t worry if you feel like you can’t talk about everything with your friends. Maybe different groups have different interests.
    And it’s fine to not be able to click with everyone. 😊

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