(f17) i’m an 11th grader located in sydney feeling lonely and wanting to make new friends.

lately has been really tough for me – particularly the social aspect at school. it’s really distracted me from my studies as i always feel a lacking sense of belonging. i’ve also lost a really good friend i made at the start of this year and i have been extremely depressed over it. i just feel like no one likes me or cares about me at school.

btw, i moved to a new school at the start of the year because i had people problems at my old school. when i first transferred, things were going well and i made new friends and was in a trio. but when i had the fallout with the friend i mentioned earlier, everything started to go downhill. i drifted from the trio, and tried to join another group, but i don’t think it’s going to work out because of a mistake i made that made some ppl dislike me. i’m so scared that everything’s going to go into a spiral again, just like what happened before at my old school. and i cant just run away again this time because next term is year 12. i just feel like i don’t fit anywhere at school and people don’t want to make friends with me because they already have their own friends. i do try to approach people first, but it’s rarely reciprocated. i miss her so much she was the first good friend i had made in such a long time and i just ruined it.

i just feel so depressed and isolated and it’s not looking good for me bc i’m a naturally social person 😭

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