Do you consider dating your coworkers? Why or why not?

  1. No – work and personal life, in that aspect, should always be separate. If it doesn’t work out, more times than not it’s going to spill into the workplace.

  2. “Don’t shit where you eat”

    There is a reason that has been a saying for so long. If things go sideways then you just fucked up you job and possibly entire career to chase some ass at work.

  3. I’m a man, I consider dating anyone or thing ” can I fuck it?” or “can I eat it?” Is ny two first thoughts about anything

  4. In the past when I wasn’t really working in a “career,” yes. But now it’s not worth the risk just to get my dick wet. It would have a very strong connection. I can’t imagine just ignoring strong feelings because of a job. I can get another job.

  5. Depending the type of coworker, someone on the same company in a totally different area that doesn’t have a lot of work-related interaction with me I’d say is ok. Someone that you see on a daily basis, might be a bit harder

  6. Never have, never will. It gets too complicated and as an ex workaholic, I need strong boundaries between my professional and personal life at this point.

  7. Yes if I think they’re pretty. The amount of single women around me is already low enough as it is, it’s even smaller if I refuse to date someone I work with just because there’s a chance it won’t work out and make things awkward. Also the love of your life could be your coworker and you just not know it yet.

  8. Married now so definitely not…but when single…still no.


    1) I’m usually in a managerial role and it’s not appropriate

    2) No chance I’m risking that drama at work with a co-worker

    3) I don’t want to talk about work with my partner…dating someone with different experiences was far more interesting/appealing

  9. Totally would but it’s against company policy I think and I’m not gonna find out the hard way 😂😅

  10. Where I work there is always rumors of higher ups sleeping around. Keeping my work and free time separate for sure.

  11. When I worked at a 20 person non-profit, no. When I worked at a 20,000 person institution, yes. But still had to be more than one degree of separation from day-to-day interactions.

  12. No. Not a chance. If for no other reason than my wife (who was a coworker) would kill me!

    21st anniversary on the 22nd!

  13. I think you should go for it.
    You’re an adult, take ownership of your actions and the outcome. If it goes downhill, chances are you’ll quit your job is pretty high. Thats the worst case scenario. Are you ready for it?

  14. Despite all the advice of “don’t shit where you eat” most people meet their SO at work so there’s that. Yeah it’s risky, but often it’s worth the risk. Often it’s not. Such is life.

  15. Only if one of us was leaving soon or if the chemistry genuinely felt like it could be a long term thing

  16. Engineer here, it’s all dudes. Plus I work from home and has been that way for 2 years. I only see attractive women at the gym.

  17. If it’s a large company and they were in a different division or department, sure. If we work together constantly, and or one is in direct line of supervision of the other, that will lead to lots of consequences if things go badly.

    Just ask yourself, if this goes south, do I want to have to look for a new job? If you don’t like your job, maybe that’s fine. I currently like my job, and I work at an org of 4200 people. So if I avoided the 100 people in my department, I’d probably be fine with dating someone at my work.

  18. I’ve dated my coworker and it was fine. Sure, we broke up (we were too different), but we were still cordial and nice to each other.

  19. NO, because there’s that old saying that goes “you don’t shit where you eat” and it was said for good reason.

  20. I don’t consider it no, but I’ve done it and it’s always ended up proving to be a bad idea.

  21. I’ve long held true to the “no dating in the workplace” idea, because if things go south then the quality of the team could suffer as a result.

    That and my SO probably wouldn’t like it.

  22. I’m in this exact position and she was literally a woman who came onto me and thought “why not” well it was fun whilst it lasted but then she got all serious and I simply wanted a fwb. Now I have to face her every single fucking day. And I have quite a bit of guilt about it all but seriously not one of my greatest moments. And like others have said, stress at work that’s not even work related. Yep, I feel like a bit of a twat for doing this to her and also to myself. Just no, don’t do it unless you’re in different parts of the company where you don’t see them every day.

  23. I’ve dated a coworker before. It was super casual but we had a great time for a few months. Then I got a new job and started a more serious relationship, so we just became friends.

    If you’re up-front and communicate well – and if the other person’s the same way – this is a non-issue.

  24. I don’t believe in dating coworkers. (All of my coworkers are dudes, so that reason is a factor too, but if there was a woman I worked with, I’d still avoid it). I have a rule that I wont date anyone that I can’t easily ghost if something goes wrong. Nothing good comes from dating coworkers.

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