examples please!

  1. Anything that has you questioning whether they can go out, have the friends they have or SHOCK HORROR if you don’t like them talking to the oppostie sex.

    All of it is ridiculous

  2. If your jealousy frightens her rather than amusing her, then you’re too jealous.

  3. When you feel motivated to shame or control another person’s behavior. Jealousy is a normal human emotion but acting on it in negative ways is not healthy for anyone.

  4. If your partner mentions they’ve made a new friend at work, of the opposite sex, asking a couple of questions and being curious is just about the right amount of jealousy.

    Turning up at their work and spying on them is way, way, way too much jealousy. Checking their phone, too much. Repeatedly bringing up this person’s name, too much. Any outward sign of a lack of trust, too much.

  5. If you have to ask this question, you are currently standing at the border between jealous and not jealous.

    Because people who don’t get jealous, don’t even think about it at all.

  6. 1.) When its an issue talking to a member of the opposite sex, you should be completely trusting to your partner to shut anything down.

    2.) When a partner controls the other’s friend group based off jealousy of time spent.

    3.) Jealousy is very common and natural, it’s OK to be a little. But trust should overpower it in any relationship situation

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